Self Care and Productivity – the highlights!

Here’s the highlights of the things I talk about in my ‘Three Pillars of Resilience – Self Care and Productivity’ talks. Emotional Pillar While we could have explored the emotional pillar on it’s own, how we feel emotionally is influenced by how we feel physically and how organised […]

Post Session material: Blogs

You’ve come across this page either because I shared it with you after you attended one of my ‘training’ sessions or you’ve just found it by chance! Either way – what I’ve done here is bring together the various links to things I’ve produced that will support you […]

Stick to the process

Stick to the process even if you need to replan. Sticking to the process and having a plan are two different things. The process is the order in which you do things, the plan is how you are going to do those things in the order that is […]


My favourite meme that I have seen about procrastination is that it is ‘The art of ruining your life for no apparent reason!’ Whenever I say when I’m speaking to people about being organised it always raises a smile. It’s one of those statements that resonates with us […]

Self Care Shorts: Recommended Books

There are many books that cover the areas I talk about but these are my particular favourites that I have found helpful…. have a look! And obviously my own! ‘How to Thrive at Work’ is aimed at everyone while ‘How to Thrive in Professional Practice’ is aimed at […]

Right Gear, Right Place, Right Task

The key skill I advocate for people to engage with for being productive – and by that I mean living your best life (not just work!) – is planning. You will consistently fail to put yourself in the right place at the right time for the right task […]

Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits for Highly Effective People

The message that I’m going to give you here is a simple one…. Keep engaging in the same habits and you’ll get the same resultsEngage in different habits you’ll get different results Simple! So if you are aceing all of your habits – good job! But maybe a […]

Be productive everywhere!

Let me explain just what I mean by being productive! The problem when I say ‘be productive’ is that most people immediately start to think about being productive at work, or maybe at study. But for me that misses out whole other parts of our lives where it […]

Hot Wax!

If you’ve heard me talk about self-care for well-being and productivity before you’ll have heard me say that self-care is about more than just bubble baths and candles…. Because it is! But….. It sometimes is absolutely about bubble baths and candles! I was overjoyed to find out about […]

Trying to do a bit….

It’s really difficult to figure out where to buy things for the best. Companies sometimes aren’t what they seem. How do you factor in all of the costs for a product? How do you figure out if a product is ethical or the company that produces it is […]